Media сampaign “Chase Stigma, Not People!” aims to reduce barriers to access to help and quality services by influencing the discriminatory environment, stigma within the LGBT community and the self-stigma of gays, other MSM and trans* people in the CEECA region. The campaign is supported by the Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity (ECOM).

 The main objectives of the campaign:

• Draw the attention to the impact of discriminatory legislation and its application and the lack of protective legislation on quality of life of the LGBT community and growth of HIV epidemic in the CEECA region.

• Actualize and promote community solidarity and ability to help each other, understand the mechanisms of formation and reduction of stigma within the community and self-stigma through support and information.

• Demonstrate the necessity to ensure sustainability, quality and accessibility of services for the LGBT community in the CEECA region.

Organizations from each of the participating countries identify their own areas and activities that are the most important for implementation within the country to overcome barriers in the fight against the spread of HIV, reduce stigma and raise availability of quality services.

2020 campaigns

2019 campaigns

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