March 1 – the special day for #Chasethevirusnotpeople campaign team, dedicated to the Zero Discrimination goal. Its support from the campaign and the communities of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) – an opportunity to show the importance and the need for change, to stand up united for justice and equality for everyone.

The HIV epidemic in the region continues to develop, and the key populations are the most affected by it: because of discriminatory legislation, its application and stigmatization, their access to services is very limited

Without a change of discriminatory legislation, achieving goals 90-90-90 in the region is impossible

Improving the legal environment and providing access to services for key populations will help to curb the epidemic and sustain the HIV programs, which in the long run will not require international investment

It is important to direct donor support to the destigmatization of key populations and people living with HIV

Elimination of discriminatory legal barriers is key for the effectiveness and sustainability of HIV programs in the EECA region

Follow the hashtags

Show that you support “Chase the virus, not people!”
on Zero Discrimination Day!

Information platform of the campaign –

Platforms for promotion and joint communications are social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram — here everyone is able to express an opinion about stigma and discrimination, tell a story and openly declare #chasethevirusnotpeople and #zerodiscrimination.

To support the campaign #chasethevirusnotpeople and #zerodiscrimination you can use e-mails, posts, tweets, pictures, photos, gifs, audio and video clips.

For elimination of:

discriminatory HIV legislation!

discrimination against people living with HIV!

discrimination against women living with HIV!

discrimination against youth and teenagers living with HIV!

stigma of drug use and discrimination against people who use drugs!

stigma of sex work and discrimination against sex workers!

discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity!

Join the Campaign #ChaseTheVirusNotPeople
Say #ZeroDiscrimination

Can you do more?

  • Make your own photo / video, share and participate in the contest in support of the campaign “Chase the virus, not people!” and “Zero discrimination” day.

  • Use the branded campaign attributes that you have or print out a poster for a photo/video.

  • Post a photo or video with the campaign poster in social networks with hashtags #ZeroDiscrimination and #ChaseTheVirusNotPeople.

  • The winner will be determined randomly using the service.

Only posts with hashtags will take part in the competition. 5 prizes with the attributes of the campaign “Chase the virus, not people!” will arrive to you in the middle of March!

Follow the hashtags

We stand for #ZeroDiscrimination. Join us!

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