10 days left before the actions of CHASE THE VIRUS, NOT PEOPLE! campaign at AIDS2018! The team of #chasethevirusnotpeople supporters multiplies every day. If you are still not among the [...]
Russian-speaking participants of AIDS2018 will be happy to know that key sessions will be provided with simultaneous translation into Russian. These sessions are: Opening, Rapporteur & [...]
Dear friend! 19 days before the opening of the XXII International AIDS Conference AIDS2018. 19 days before we all meet in Amsterdam in support of the EECA Communities Networks Campaign [...]
Цель кампании – представить всему миру воздействие репрессивных, дискриминационных законодательств и практик их применения, а также стигмы в отношении ключевых групп населения и людей, живущих с [...]
The Team of regional community networks of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, are joining forces during the XXII International AIDS Conference (July 22-27, 2018, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) in the [...]
The meeting of EECA regional networks and community organizations representatives is held in Tallinn today, focused on discussing the concept of the campaign to be launched on the eve of the XXII [...]
Сегодня в Таллине проходит встреча представителей региональных сетей и организаций сообществ региона ВЕЦА, на которой обсуждается концепция кампании, старт которой состоится в преддверии XXII [...]