Campaign organizer: Parni+

Dates of project realization: 01.11.2019 – 31.01.2020

Project goal:

Conduct an information campaign aimed at informing the general public and LGBT community about HIV prevention.

Brief description:

On November 2-4, 2019, in Moscow, Russia, the fifth annual Forum of LGBT activists was organized by the Russian LGBT Network. The forum brought together more than 270 people from all over the country and confirmed its status as the largest human rights platform for LGBT+ people in Russia. The theme of the Forum of LGBT activists 2019: “Creating a new world: the past, present and future of LGBT+ movements.”

As part of the Russian LGBT Forum, a 4-hour HIV event was held. The event was attended by 26 people. The following topics were discussed during the event, held under the auspices of the campaign “Chase the virus, not people!”

  1. New trends in prevention;
  2. Psychological assistance to people with HIV;
  3. Development of HIV support programs.

Also, as part of the project, the following materials were prepared for the  portal by community experts:

122 article – “Make an HIV test and you can be arrested”

December 17 – Memorial Day for LGBT, victims of political repression

Sex on drugs or what is chemsex in a gay environment?

Trans* women sex workers are the most vulnerable

Personal experience: how HIV affects relationships and dating

How the law on “propaganda of homosexuality” affected adolescents’ access to information?

Gay migrants with HIV in Russia

Dependence and addiction: what’s the difference?

The tale of HIV prevention among MSM in the Russian State

Epidemic of persecution: from collective trauma to healing

Raping state – raped community: six years of homopropaganda ban law

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